Using Integrated 2D and 3D Resistivity Imaging Methods for Illustrating the Mud-Fluid Conduits of the Wushanting Mud Volcanoes in Southwestern Taiwan

  • Author(s): Ping-Yu Chang, Shu-Kai Chang, Hsing-Chang Liu, and Shih Chung Wang
  • DOI: 10.3319/TAO.2010.06.21.01(TT)
  • Keywords: ERT Resistivity Mud volcano
  • Citation: Chang, P. Y., S. K. Chang, H. C. Liu, and S. C. Wang, 2011: Using integrated 2D and 3D resistivity imaging methods for illustrating the mud-fluid conduits of the Wushanting mud volcanoes in southwestern Taiwan. Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., 22, 1-14, doi: 10.3319/TAO.2010.06.21.01(TT)

We conducted 2D and 3D looped resistivity surveys in the Wushanting Natural Landscape Preservation Area (WNLPA) in order to understand the relationships of the mud-fluid conduits in the mud volcano system. 2D resistivity surveys were conducted along seven networked lines. Two separate C-shape looped electrode arrays surrounding the volcano craters were used in the study. First, the two 3D looped measurements were inverted separately. Yet the inverted 3D images of the mud-volcano system were inconsistent with the landscape features suggesting that artifacts perhaps appeared in the images. The 3D looped data were then combined with the 2D data for creating a global resistivity model of WNLPA. The resulting 3D image is consistent with the observed landscape features. With the resistivity model of WNLPA, we further tried to estimate the distribution of water content. The results suggest that the 3D resistivity image has the potential to resolve the dual porosity structures in the mudstone area. Last, we used a simplified WNLPA model for forward simulation in order to verify the field measurement results. We have concluded that the artifacts in the 3D looped images are in fact shadow effects from conductive objects out of the electrode loops, and that inverted images of combined 2D and 3D data provide detailed regional conductive structures in the WNLPA site.

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