The Atmospheric Correction of ROCSAT-1 OCI Imagery-PartI:OCITRAN-1


The atmospheric aerosol effect makes an important contribution to the total radiance in the visible and infrared bands, observed by the Ocean Color Imager on the ROCSAT-1 satellite. For better interpretations of OCI data, an accurate aerosol effect correction is necessary. In this study the concept of clear water is adopted to determine the aerosol effect as part of the atmospheric effect correction mode, OCITRAN-1. A clear water area is chosen to assess the aerosol condition and remove the aerosol effent. Two Sea WiFS image sets were used to test the accuracy of the OCITRAN-1 model by comparing its result with those obtained by the SeaDAS mode. The comparison shows a reasonable consistency between the estimates generated by these tow models in low chlorophyll concentration areas, but the water leaving radiance derived by OCITRAN-1 is significantly greater than that derived by SeaDAS, wspecially when the chloronhyll concentration is higher than 2.0 mg/m3. Therefore, the aerosol effect correction of OCITRAN-1 is most suitably applied in ocean areas of low chlorophyll concentration.

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Published by The Chinese Geoscience Union